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Donesi Contact Centre
When the Corona virus appeared in early 2020, every industry was affected to some extent. While many of them have experienced negative consequences of lockdowns, there are those who have barely felt them or the consequences turned out to be positive.
New Era of Superior Customer Experience From The Cloud
Every year, Genesys® delivers more than 70 billion remarkable customer experiences for organizations in over 100 countries. Through the power of the cloud and AI, our technology connects every customer moment across marketing, sales and service on any channel, while also improving employee experiences.
Nova era u pružanju vrhunskog korisničkog iskustva iz clouda
U cilju zadovoljavanja najsavremenijih trendova iz oblasti komunikacija i uvođenja rešenja za pružanje vrhunskog korisničkog iskustva, Algotech je sklopio partnerstvo sa kompanijom Genesys, globalnim liderom cloud kontakt centar rešenja.
Kako eliminisati redove u bankama?
Korišćenjem savremenih poslovnih rešenja, poput rešenja za digitalno upravljanje redovima (digitalni QMS), banke mogu značajno unaprediti brigu o korisnicima.
Digital Signage u TC Galerija u Beogradu – Virtuelna šetnja
Naši korisnici koji u okviru svojih prodajnih objekata i poslovnica koriste sve prednosti Digital Signage rešenja su: BENU apoteka, n selection, PUMA, Vip mobile i SBB.
We have implemented a digital queue management solution for the Austrian Media Markt
Media Markt, as one of the largest technical goods retail chains in Europe, with more than 1,000 stores, assisted by Algotech Austria and using digital queue management solutions (digital QMS), introduced a system in record time that improved and accelerated the online goods ordering and collection process.
Implementirali smo rešenje za digitalno upravljanje redovima Austrijskom Media Marktu
Media Markt je pomoću Algotech Austrije i rešenja za digitalno upravljanje redovima, u rekordno kratkom roku uveo sistem koji je unapredio i ubrzao sam proces online naručivanja i preuzimanja robe.
Novine u Cisco Webex Meetings aplikaciji
Kompanija Cisco, koja je lider u oblasti kolaboracionih rešenja, nedavno je objavila update za Cisco Webex Meetings aplikaciju.
Telenor Contact Center
Telenor Srbija, as a part of PPF Group, since 2006, when it came to the Serbian market, has become the biggest mobile operator in the country, with more than 3 million satisfied customers from all spheres of private and business sector.